Thanks for posting your experiences here, and so eloquently as well.
Yeah, they really need to design longer, not wider vehicles there. Very high mortality rate on them roads, city or country. Is there a crop of rice in? Fascinated by water farming.
and shrines, I can't really tell the 2 apart very easily sometime. I think I remember seeing somebody cooking something on top of a gravestone, then again it could be incense candles, but I swore I saw a frying pan.
Thanks for posting your experiences here, and so eloquently as well.
Yeah, they really need to design longer, not wider vehicles there. Very high mortality rate on them roads, city or country. Is there a crop of rice in? Fascinated by water farming.
I'm really not sure but I can tell you this.
The rice field look kinda like this otos-ak-ash3/559040_4576213542945 84_1600757994_n.jpg otos-ak-ash4/319579_4576221242945 07_658974988_n.jpg
Though your pre rice will sometime have animals over it otos-ak-ash3/533880_4576180576282 47_1002402300_n.jpg otos-ak-ash3/67867_45761850429486 9_1623952896_n.jpg
The rice will be neatly organize and brush up before turning white by this old guy, his name is "Y" :3 otos-ak-prn1/44964_45762728096065 8_2040411068_n.jpg
and I dunno what happens after that. The rice here are cooked pretty mushy, I don't like it that much.
Fun fact, rice fields can host graveyards otos-ak-prn1/18240_45762398096098 8_971249307_n.jpg otos-ak-ash4/306027_4576239709609 89_1475730539_n.jpg
and shrines, I can't really tell the 2 apart very easily sometime. I think I remember seeing somebody cooking something on top of a gravestone, then again it could be incense candles, but I swore I saw a frying pan.