There are multiple methods 4 me to decide how i set up my art.
1. ms paint is pretty crappy 4 me for realism and all that stuff and so chibis was the added reason to use ms paint.(pixelated which sucks on smooth)
2. is pretty cool when it comes to seeing ur drawing redrawn but what sucks is the saving the picture itself.(just like paper but unsavable 4 me)
3. was the website that help made this pic, looks hand drawn right, well it was actually laptop mouse painted which hurts my wrist alot. (kinda like paper)
4. what free non-downloadable paint websites could u call out 4 me.
5. Yo N Peace
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Dude...THAT IS SOOOO COOOL! the shoulder reminds me of herods off WOW throw some ms paint on that and it will look nice and awesome!
thanks it was worth the wrist pain but unfortunately the downside for ms paint is that its pixel and even though it looks plain, the pic is leaded in areas that a paint bucket can't simply splash but i notice ur ms paint art of that fox name Rano and i like it and impressed with ur ms paint skill of coloring but if u notice there pixels there and so i use for now on because its much smoother with the lines and plus u don't have to download it, and i can't believe i didn't see the WOW on the shoulder pad, must be because im a lvl 78. warlock, o well yo n peace.