Yesterday the police call my dad and said that my mom was arrested.
Apparently the charges were "shoplifting"!? My mother don't steal!......well she steal changes laying around in my bedroom but she don't actually shoplift!
Plus the timing of the arrest was way off from the time she left off from work.
But at the end apparently the police called the wrong family of whom they arrested, the ordeal got me stressed when the thought of my mother being arrested linger in my mind.
There was another mother going by the same first name and last name as my mother BUT my mother middle name is "Thi" the other mother was "Tranh". My family have no relations with the "Tranh".
So yeah, thank goodness my mom isn't arrested. Suck for that other family though, but come on......shoplifting?
It amazing how a letter or two in your name can bring about all kinds of weird shit. Thank goodness she wasn't arrested though. Still, I'd rather the police made a mistake than a higher authority did. The higher up you go, the longer it takes to straighten hit out. Your Pop must've freaked!
Oh, happy belated birthday, you attention craver, you.
I never like dealing with authority, period -__-, but yeah, thank goodness she is not arrested.